Vaccine Information
Where can I find the most current vaccine recommendations?
Vaccine recommendations in the U.S. are issued primarily by two national bodies:
The U.S. Public Health Service's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on Infectious Diseases.
Link to the most current ACIP immunization schedule
Link to AAP policy statements on immunizations
How do I obtain copies of the newest U.S. recommended immunization schedules for children and for adults?
You can download electronic versions of the schedules from CDC's website
IAC has also created laminated versions of the child and adolescent schedule, as well as the adult schedule, which make an excellent resource for placement in each exam room. Each is based on the official schedules adopted by ACIP, AAP, AARP, ACOG, and ACP.
Where can I find more information to help address my patients' concerns about vaccine safety?
There are many excellent websites that have information about vaccine safety, including: